Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Defending The Morality Of Violent Video Games - 1486 Words

Violent video games are a very controversial subject in our world today. Video games have been around for years now dating all the way back to the early 1970s. The first gaming console the Atari was invented by a man that went by the name of Nolan Bushnell who also created computer space (Tyson, 2000). The very first violent video game that was acknowledged in the gaming world was Death Race, also considered to be a â€Å"Murder Simulator† created in 1976 (Mackey, 2015). In this research paper I will be acknowledging how historical perspectives and theories add to the controversy of violent video gaming, also on how playing violence in video games can manifest delinquent behavior in adolescents. I will also be defending the morality of violent†¦show more content†¦Research shows that just about ninety percent of these games contain some violent material, and forty percent of these games reveal hostility towards characters (Glaubke et al., 2001). In our world today, most individuals will speculate that letting adolescents indulge in these types of games will only cause harm and nothing ever good will ever uproot from it. For example, after looking into 136 research studies, (Anderson, 2010) observed that being exposed to violence within video games was connected with increased levels of hostile behavior, hostile cognition, hostile affect, and loss in prosocial behavior (Anderson, 2010). Adolescents with higher levels aggression tend to lean towards playing more violent video games rather that nonviolent video games. According to (Exelmans, Custers, Van den Bulck, 2015) The general aggression model â€Å"GAM† is a social cognitive model that describes the short- and long-term effects of exposure to media violence on aggressive behavior (Exelmans,Custers, Van de n Bulck, 2015). The GAM consists of a three-stage process. The first stage expresses, trait hostility and being apparent to violence expressed through media content could influence the access of hostile thoughts and emotions (Exelmans, Custers, Van den Bulck, 2015). The next stage, consists of a process taking place that can result in hostile behavior carrying over into the next episode cycle (Exelmans, Custers, Van den Bulck, 2015). The Short-termShow MoreRelatedDefending Violent Video Games in Adolescents1218 Words   |  5 PagesDo parents know what violent video games their children are playing? Playing violent games is nontoxic, exciting fun, and no more harmful than watching something graphic on television. This is an arguable point, and people want to know if violence shown in video games cause aggression, violent actions, bullying, or weapon skills. The answer to this is a no-brainer; most parents go about their busy lives and leave their children unsupervised when the se activities are taking place. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Stride Toward Freedom Free Essays

Identical Thought in â€Å"Patient† and â€Å"Topic of Cancer† Once I was exposed to reading â€Å"Patient† and â€Å"Topic of Cancer† I put myself in Christopher Hitchers and Rachel Reedier shoes and realized how humor, can be used in a horrendous situation. Not everyone may know what a cancer patient has to go through but as days go by everyone has been through a situation that cannot handle on his or her own. By reading these two articles, I automatically had a mental mage of what and how the narrator felt. We will write a custom essay sample on Stride Toward Freedom or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the article, â€Å"Patient†, Reedier is trying to lighten the mood by using humor throughout the whole article. Both articles have multiple similarities that have personal anecdotes that explain their life story. The articles are similar with Hitchers and Reedier with the use of tone in the â€Å"Patient† and â€Å"Topic of Cancer† through humor, images and horrible situations. Humor can be comical in many situations, but in the â€Å"Patient† and â€Å"Topic of Cancer†, the authors indicate the reader that pain can be a wholesome situation. In the article, â€Å"Patient† a teenager was hit by a bus and later on was informed that her leg may need to be amputated. The author uses phrases saying, â€Å"l feel like I got hit by a bus† to show his expression on how he truly feels about this situation (Reedier 166). Hitchers, the author of the â€Å"Topic of Cancer† expresses humor throughout the article in ways of saying, â€Å"The chest hair that was once the toast of two continents hasn’t yet wilted, but so much of it was shaved off for various hospital incisions that it’s a rather patchy affair† (Hitchers 88). Hitchers is expressing how he has lost all of his hair, and he can still look at it in a humorous way (The Best American Essays). Reedier and Hitchers explain how situations like these can be engaged in many different ways. Anyone can take these essays as serious as possible but can also take them as a humorous situation. As Reedier and Hitchers went through the essays, the narrator explained how they had struggled through their situation and still found positive attitude. Reedier uses a positive attitude by saying, â€Å"It is easy to be calm cause I cannot really have been run over by a bus† (Reedier 165). As horrible as the situation may sound the narrator makes it out to be not as bad is it seems to be. Hitchers explains how the situation needs to be in a positive way, â€Å"l sometimes wish I were suffering in a good cause, or risk my life for the good of others, instead of being a gravely endangered patient† (Hitchers 88). The narrator expresses how she would rather be suffering for a good reason instead of being in the hospital with cancer (The Best American Essays). Both of the articles prove that you can fight through any kind of injury or disease no matter how critical the situation can accrue. The narrator shows his faith by saying, â€Å"She would make the driver move that bus, but I can’t see her† (Reedier 165). In the â€Å"Topic of Cancer† Hutchins shows, how he feels about his conditions and diagnoses with the quote, â€Å"To the dumb question â€Å"Why me? † the cosmos barely bothers to return the reply: â€Å"Why not? † (86). He is obviously looking at his illness as a positive outcome when many people look at it as their life is over (The Best American Essays). Even though cancer can kill someone and losing a leg can cause death, both of the narrators kept a positive attitude. Both of the narrators start out by asking themselves â€Å"why me†, as the articles continue the â€Å"Patient† goes on living a healthy life, but in the article â€Å"Topic of Cancer† he is still fighting for his life. There are similarities throughout the stories showing the way they feel, and showing their emotions through humor but in the end there is a different outcome. How to cite Stride Toward Freedom, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Marketing Is Both Art and Science Essay Sample free essay sample

I read a web log station the other twenty-four hours ( unluckily I didn’t copy the URL and I don’t retrieve which web log ) where person answered the good old selling inquiry being – â€Å"is selling art or science† . Let me state you. I am so tired of that inquiry. Let’s merely clear that inquiry one time and for all. I truly don’t see the point of inquiring it. Selling is scientific discipline and selling is art. Why is that you might inquire? Let me seek to come up with some points of both sides: Science: Selling is a scientific discipline because selling is about fulfilling clients demands. To understand client needs we need to develop scientific methods to larn about our clients and the demands they have. Besides. the market and consumers by and large behave in certain manners and trade with known variables. Porter’s five forces is a good illustration of this. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Is Both Art and Science Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These five forces determine the profitableness and behaviours within a market. The five forces being: competition within the industry. clients dickering power. providers dickering power. menace of entry of new rivals. menace of replacement merchandises. These forces shape the scheme of the company. Art: Reading the points under scientific discipline we might presume that selling is all about scientific discipline. but it is non. While we can foretell behaviours of consumers and the market by utilizing scientific methods. the determinations based on the scientific consequences are non ever correct. Take Coca-Cola for illustration. They did extended market research when developing a new merchandise – a new coke. The bulk of the participants in the research were really positive to the new coke. Management based their determination on these consequences and were certain of success when they launched the merchandise. What happened? It was a catastrophe. Peoples demanded the authoritative coke back. In fact. Coca-Cola had to relaunch the authoritative coke to the market because of the failure of the new coke. This shows that the scientific discipline of selling. even when being right within its footings it can be really incorrect in footings of selling. So to reason – selling is both a scientific discipline and art. This is why there are so large differences between sellers who win and those who do non win. On one side we have originative art managers seeking to utilize their originative accomplishments to make marketing – they normally fail because of being focused on creatively alone and non seeing the long-run image. And so we have the scientific market research workers. who stand by their Numberss and neer do a determination without exhaustively traveling through all options. These people make safe determinations. but besides incorrect determinations because they are slow of doing determinations – therefore rivals can acquire the upper manus – and they fail to see the kineticss within the market and the arbitrary psychological science of consumers. ECONOMIC TIMESBringing together this ultimate synthesis requires an apprehension of its roots. Science is the attempt to detect and increase human apprehension of how the physical universe works ; art is the procedure or merchandise of intentionally and creatively set uping elements in a manner that entreaties to the senses or emotions. One is focused on analytically understanding the universe ; the other creates new universes out of human imaginativeness. Science is contending against ignorance. uncertainness and ambiguity ; art’s enemies are bounds. obtuseness and sameness.